Sep 11, 2008

Marketing with Twitter Revisited



Since my last article about Twitter marketing, I have been keeping a close eye on my stats while I network both online and offline with the key focus of growing quality following/follower relationships on Twitter.

Because of all this targeted activity, Twitter is now my seconds biggest referrer, overtaking direct referrals. The first time any referrer has done that, ever, on any site that I have dealt with! Surprisingly, I have also noticed a slight drop in RSS feed subscriptions around the same times suggesting that maybe my readers are relying on Twitter as a news source more than ever. Very interesting stuff.

One unsurprising stat is that the UK has taken over South African and America as my biggest region of readers mainly because I now do my networking in the UK.

Can you answer this question?:

There’s still one thing perplexing me about Twitter referral stats on Google analytics: If someone clicks on a link to my blog from a Twitter client, will analytics count that as a referral from Twitter?

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