Sep 4, 2008

How to always get an image that suits your Blog post



I never thought I’d be saying this about a cartoon website, but I have found one of the coolest online apps around that happens to be a cartoon creation wizard.

Whoopty doo you might say, but think about this for a minute: Darren Rouse and co always insist that you add a representative image to your blog posts but searching Flickr for rights-free images can take ages and you still only find a random images that only marginally represents what you are talking about, check out this post of mine for example. So now you can create a cartoon/image that represents exactly what you are trying to say, avoiding your viewers scowling at their screens in confusion.

But what really blew my socks off, is the ease of use when creating a cartoon strip with Bitstrips. It is really quick, once you get the hang of it, easy to use and requires no ability to draw whatsoever, yet the detail is as deep as you need it to be and the variety of scenarios, poses, expressions, characters etc are endless. 

Definitely go check it out! Tags: ,,

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