Aug 7, 2008

Guerrilla Web 2.0 Marketing

What is Guerrilla marketing? Wikipedia defines it as this:

"Guerrilla Marketing" was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his popular 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing, as an unconventional system of promotions on a very low budget, by relying on time, energy and imagination instead of big marketing budgets. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary to also describe aggressive, unconventional marketing methods generically.

So my dad opened a Fishmonger the other day and shortly after that I got the call:
‘Jon, I need to market the restaurant.’
‘Cool, what’s your budget?’
’ Budget? Emails are free.’

Try to remember that the most advanced piece of equipment when my dad started out in retail was a machine that sent papers over the phone line and was considered a personal success when you received one without the machine jamming!

So of course, before I knew it, I was in a Guerrilla marketing campaign, which I haven’t attempted since the early naughties in the web 1.0 days. When I thought through a strategy, I found myself surprised that I had not entered a low/no budget campaign in the social media space as it is the perfect place to do it. I’ve obviously been spoilt by big client budgets of late so it’s time to get back to basics.

Guerrilla Web 2.0 marketing is all about getting people to ‘chat and share’ without spending a cent.

So I did what I do best and started a blog to place the restaurant right in the middle of the social space. It’s called (if you have no luck with that, try as I have just registered the domain) so as you may have figured out, the restaurant is a Fishmonger in Midrand.

But you need a conversation point and a reason for people to share information about the website so I devised a 2 for 1 sushi special with my pops that will be available all day on Wednesdays. It is my hope that (of course) a killer special like this will get people spreading this blog around the South African internet and it will get some people into the restaurant.

So if you like sushi (and here is my shameless plug), sign up your email at the blog and spread the news about it please! I’ll also let my loyal readers know that the first voucher comes out this Monday so sign up now!

There might be a few more shameless plugs from me going forward for a while so please excuse me or listen to my plugging and help me spread the word. Thanks!


Kyla said...

perhaps i can visit your father, the fishmonger, when i make my trip to mozambique.

just wanted to let you know that i went to the zoo and saw all sorts of african animals-- and i can't imagine a heard of elephants running anywhere near my campsite. you are either really brave or really crazy. maybe a little bit of both.

Jon M Bishop said...

Kyla, for you, I will arrange a VIP voucher for the Fishmonger!

They do say that bravery is 80% stupidity.