Aug 21, 2008

15 reasons you should be using a proper e-mail campaign service

I had a fella ask me the other day why he should pay for iContact when he could just use some software and send from his own servers. I laughed and told him I could probably think of at least 15 solid reasons but I couldn't do so on the spot so I told him I would write a post about it. PS I do not have any affiliation with Icontact (or any other email services for that matter), I just think it's brilliant and use it all the time!

  1. They have relationships with ISPs giving your emails the best chance of getting through firewalls etc and to their intended recipients.
  2. They check your spam score before sending reducing the chances of all your efforts becoming a dud.
  3. They tend to not let you bend any anti-spam laws (or at lease make you accountable of them) meaning that you can't spam, even by mistake.
  4. If every bulk email software was like this, we would have very little spam in the world, kind of like what the smoking ban has done for pubs and restaurants - they are just a much better place to be now!
  5. They usually offered unlimited email lists so you could have one account and manage multiple lists for multiple clients, or many lists for your company which is a good way of targeting the ultra-niches evident online these days.
  6. They're cheap. Come on, a few dollars a month the get a 360 degree solution on emails which you can track directly back to sales is definitely worth it.
  7. Look out for the service that charge per email address, not per email sent. Makes a big difference if you send to your lists more than once a month.
  8. They recognise the same email across lists counting the same email as one email address so they don't charge you extra.
  9. Strong competition in the industry ensures that standards of service, quality and price are always improving. Check out Icontact and Constant Contact, two of the industry's biggest players.
  10. Thorough reporting on everything you need to measure success of your email campaign or that of your clients. Opens, clicks, deliveries, bounces, unsubscribes etc.
  11. You don't have to send on your own, already overloaded, servers. If you send out 50 000 emails in HTML on your own servers while still trying to keep the office's online services running, good luck!
  12. Do you really want to mange subscribes and unsubscribes manually across multiple lists of tens of thousands of emails when it can be done for you automatically and even have a report produced on it?
  13. Sign up forms are simple, brilliant things. Set them up however you like and copy/paste the code into any web page / blog and grow your list organically. You can also select which list that sign up form should add emails to.
  14. They have the facility to survey users on your lists. I would pay for that service on it's own!
  15. They are getting into this social sharing thing and even include varying levels of share buttons at the bottom of their emails now.


Anonymous said...

Seconded. Agree with everything there, and feel smug cause I've chosen to do this with - great reporting, wordpress plugin and google analytics integration!


Jon M Bishop said...

Yeah, I like Mailchimp very much, unfortunately too much effort to change at this stage!