Pic by jblyberg
1. Social Media Starting Points – Chris Brogan
If you’re looking to show your organization how to get into social media and social networking, this downloadable starting points document to open up the conversation. – Chris Brogan
2. The Web: Hidden Games – C Weng
This book will describe the view of websites as games in general, and then study Digg, YouTube and Facebook as specific case studies. It will show you what the goals of these websites are, how to play, and how to win.
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing This marketing ebook download illustrates Quirk eMarketing's commitment to the Open Education Declaration which aims to make educational resources available to all students.
Just like Godin's earlier "Permission Marketing" book, I devoured "Unleashing the Ideavirus" in a single sitting. What a great source of inspiration and practical ideas about viral marketing.
Viral Blogging. Link Bait. Tagged. Dugg.
If you know what those words mean, you’re likely looking to do the first, create the second, and have the third and fourth happen to something you’ve written. If you don’t know what those words mean, relax. They’re simply new terms for a timeless concept you likely already understand.
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