Jul 16, 2008

5 New Web Services I Can’t do Without

Thanks to Mykl

A few years after mobiles became stock standard communication tools, the phrase was coined: “How did we ever survive without them?” The same phrase can be attached to my five new favourite web services.

1. Wordle


Easily (and almost instantly) create great tag clouds like this! Also great for doing brands bullseyes for you brandy marketing types out there. You can also just throw your RSS feed in and it will make a groovy tag cloud of your blog!

2. Issuu

A top class tool for making professional PDF animated page turners for free! All you do is upload your PDF and Issue does the rest! It’s so good that I use it for my clients! It’s also got a bit of a Web 2.0 community style thing going on to share your docs.

Check out one I did for a client here

3. Animoto

Create brilliant videos out of your images. Make your website and presentations come alive with these professional looking videos with real music that you have the right to use for any Animotos.

4. Sproutbuilder

Make fully functional, shareable Widgets in minutes. This is also a tool that I use to create work for clients. Look at these podcast widgets that I created for a client here.

5. Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck is a new Abode Air based desktop client for Twitter. It’s got some great features like one button re-tweets and the ability to make groups. It also has quite a dynamic layout with lots of options to customise your view, be it one column or three columns which include your groups, replies and DMs. With a few extra features, like logins to Jaiku etc, and keeping a history of replies, Tweetdeck could definitely topple Twhirl as the king of Twitter clients.


Anonymous said...

Wordle is a cool service. It would be nice if they had an ajax/flash version you could embed into your blog with working links. Regardless, it's still got everyone in my office buzzing.

Tweetdeck vs Twhirl, could be an interesting post. I am longing for two things from Twitter ... a comment system and groups. A 3rd party method of creating groups would be awesome, but it would be that much cooler if it were built into Twitter. I'm also loving Twhirl's ability to work with friendfeed as well. This kind of sucks, I was so happy with twhirl until i read this post. I guess that's the way of the world, don't get too attached to any one thing because something better is waiting right around the corner.

Jon M Bishop said...

Thanks Jon! Great name by the way, wonder how many more of us there are in this space.

Wordl has massive potential and an easy embed would be great. Would be even better if the words could have a URL link somehow!

You can follow tweetdeck (@tweetdeck) in Twitter to keep up with devs and make suggestions.