Jun 19, 2008

Twitter Lets Me Know if Something Will be Good or Not

Thanks to 2725

I have a new vetting system: Twitter. Basically, when thinking of engaging in a new activity (let’s say stamp collecting) or attending an event (such as the Chelsea Flower Show), I ask myself the usual filtering questions: “Is it close enough?”, “Is it expensive?”, “Will there be beer?”.

When living in London in the summer, you have a wide variety of potential events to attend both professionally or personally so you have to choose wisely which ones are worth the effort. So when the usual filtering questions don’t work, I turn to Twitter. “Would I Twitter (or blog) about going to this event or doing this thing?”, “Would I Twitter about the event while I’m there?” If the answers are no for one event and yes for another, problem solved!


So stamp collecting and the flower show would both be no but attending a new media conference or finally learning to use Wordpress (.org not .com) would both score a double yes!

Problem solved!

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