Feb 1, 2008

Get off my back Google

What the hell? Every time I try to search something on Google today, I get this stupid message. First time I've seen it so not sure what I need to do about it. Any ideas?

And no, I am not using bots, spyware or "spurious software"!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you found out by now.. but if not:

This error is caused when the Google servers are getting hit by lots of spam requests (usually from systems in a similar IP range to yours). As much as the error seems to indicate that it is your issue - its not.

Once the Google algorithm is corrected for the specific problem, the servers return to normal.

I only get this error once or twice - not usually the whole day. - try adjusting your search from Google.com to Google.co.za or Google.co.uk.

Hope this explains it a bit.

Jon M Bishop said...

Hey Michael

No I hadn't yet figured it out so thanks for that!