Jan 22, 2008


I am the 4th most popular miss world contestant on the Internet according to QDOS. This stat disappoints me somewhat as I don’t even recognise the names of the other three contestants above me.

QDOS, it seems, is the miss universe pageant of the Internet or at least it aims to be. Basically, what happens is you join the service (of course) and then specify your profile names on all the services you are active on such as Facebook, Digg, Youtube, EBay, Twitter and even Tripadvisor to produce a score of your activity and influence on the Internet. I’m not entirely sure how it works the score out but it seems to be able to tell how many friends you have on Facebook, and connections on LinkedIn etc. This surprises me a bit as I thought data was not allowed to be pulled from Facebook, but hey what do I know!

QDOS uses four pillars of measurement to influence the score: popularity, impact, activity and individuality somehow pulled and aggregated from all your profiles. I do wonder about their scoring criteria though as I score low on individuality because my name is Jon Bishop (common as muck) and not Moonstar Ringo or something which seems a silly measure for popularity and influence.

What’s it useful for?

If the service takes off and hits mainstream bloggerville, it will most likely become the key gauge of popularity amongst petty bloggers.

It’s also useful for comparing your Internet popularity to people like Lee Evans, Jo Brand, Eva Mendez and David Moyes, all of whom I am more popular than and Cherie Blair, who unfortunately is kicking my arse all over the web. So I’m off to join Tripadvisor and write reviews of Joburg as a tourist destination until I beat Mrs Former Prime Minister or at least until I become a first princess.

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