Nov 4, 2007

It’s War! MySpace join Google to take on Facebook and Microsoft!

It appears that the battle lines have been drawn in possibly the biggest battle in Silicone Valley since the Apple Mac / Microsoft race for the personal computer in the 80’s! (OK, so there was no real silicone valley back then but you know what I mean).

In what seems to be a blatantly aggressive strategic move, Google have recruited MySpace to join Open Social and closed the door in Facebook’s errrm, face. This, for me, is the pivotal moment where the battle for social media, quite possibly Web 2.0 and probably even the future direction of the Internet was declared.

It’s the allies of Google, MySpace, LinkedIn and all those other little guys versus superpowers Microsoft and Facebook. It’s almost as if China, Russia and all those other little Asian countries declared war on America and Britain! My only question on this one then is: “Where is Yahoo!?” If they don’t pick a side here, their hopes of owning any of the social networking space may be over. But I can’t see them siding with Google, can you?

For more insight into these developments check out this article from Marketing Vox

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