Oct 30, 2007

Who am I listening to? Part 1: Anna Farmery

In this series of posts (labelled 'Who am I listening to') I'll keep you up to date with which Podcasts I am listening to.

Everytime I turn the proverbial Podcast corner, there's Anna Farmery! And what a pleasant suprise it always is. I find her Northern English accent and friendly quips completely refreshing after listening to gruff old business men drumming away on other Podcasts. She's also well known on the blogosphere from what I can gather as her name seems to come up often on other Podcasts and blogs.

Asides from the freshness and the strange looks I get in the traffic because I am laughing at (what appears to be) myself, Anna is also very well versed in her chosen subjects and she has definitely been an influence in my decision to move towards web 2.o marketing.

On her Podcast, The Engaging Brand, she deals with issues of employee engagement, branding and social media and judging from her blog she like the colour red!

She also co-hosts another Podcast that I subscribe to called The Podcast Sisters with Krishna De and Heather Gorringe (who I will get to in the near future!), that focuses on all things Podcasting and Web 2.0 and how you can use them in business. It does seem to be pitched towards ladies but that by no means excludes men from listening in too, just like I do every time there is an update.


Anna Farmery said...

That made me smile! a reputation of being all over the web...hope my mother doesn't see your post!!!

Great to see connections all over the world, even if you did take the World Cup off us :)

Jon M Bishop said...

Well If it's any consolation Anna, I'm sure England would beat South Africa at a Podcast world cup!