Oct 28, 2007

Tutorial: New Media Marketing for Old Media Marketers. Part 3

New to the tutorial? Click here to start at the beginning.

Part 3: What kind of Web 2.0 services are there on the Internet?

So some of you might still not be too sure what this so-called phenomenon is – let alone understand why your future career might depend on it – so let’s drill down further into the major categories of the kind of websites that fall under Web 2.0.

The categories are as follows:
Social Tagging
Social Networking
Social Media
RSS – Not entirely sure that RSS fits in here exactly, but it is the fuel that feeds the fire of many Web 2.0 services.

There are most probably more Web 2.0 website categories out there, but in the list above are the ones that I am aware of and once you’ve (and I’ve!) finished this tutorial, you will be comfortable enough in this new space to run around and explore freely finding your own favourite services!

Yeah I know, I know, you still probably don’t entirely know what I’m on about but in the next few posts, I’ll define each category (as closely as possible) and give the best example websites of each which will help you understand this Web 2.0 thing much better. Hang in there, we’re getting there.

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